Instant Book requirement - Guest Cancellations

Instant Book requirement - Guest Cancellations

Hosts that use Instant Book should be able to choose to limit guests who have cancelled within the previous 12 months.  Currently, only hosts who do not use Instant book can see cancellations as a part of the request.  Since approving is automated for IB, hosts do not see this information as it doesn't show on the Guest Profile (like a cancellation shows on a host profile!).  Much like requiring Verified ID or Positive reviews from fellow hosts, allow for hosts to determine if a guest can Instant Book with them if the guest has cancelled within the last 12 months.  

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Kraków, Poland

@Alice & Jeff


Great Idea Alice and Jeff, in might make the opportunist think twice about pulling a fast one.


I would go one step further and say the Guest has an automatic 12-month hiatus if they cancel a booking and a warning about this before they press the buttons.





Level 9
Florida, United States

Hi 🙂  was there an event that transpired that led you to want this feature? or is it a proactive reccomendation to avoid a concern you have? 


Im very interested in problems users have and their solutions so I want to digest what led to this

Level 10
Blue Hill, ME

Yet another reason I don't use IB.

@Steve0 - proactive idea. Hosts who use the traditional method of request/acceptance instead of auto-acceptance with IB have the opportunity to review how many times a guest has previously cancelled in the last 12 months before accepting. IB-using hosts, do not. As an IB host, I'd like to determine an automatic cancellation cut off (like 2 times in the last year? you cannot IB with me and we need to talk first).