Keyword Search

Keyword Search

If there is one feature that would most improve guests' ability to find the listing that is the best fit for their needs, it would be the Keyword Search function.


No matter how much that list of Amenities tickboxes expands, it's never going to cover every special interest or need that a guest might be seeking. And hosts who offer particularly unique experiences or amenities often have difficulty standing out in a search. If there really are guests using "Shampoo" as a search filter, surely there are many, many more who would like to narrow down their search by a keyword of their own choosing. In prior forum discussions, examples have included terms like "LGBT" or "vegan" as examples of communities that would be better served by being able to find like-minded hosts. These terms would be inappropriate for the Amenities tickboxes, but likely to appear in the text of hosts' listing descriptions.


Could anyone from Airbnb explain why the feature hasn't been brought back?