ARRRGGGGHHHH! What do you do with geniuses who CLEARLY don't read the listing?

Level 10
New York, NY

ARRRGGGGHHHH! What do you do with geniuses who CLEARLY don't read the listing?

Hi fellow hosts,


The first line of my listing is in CAPITAL letters, begging potential guests to read the listing. It's a long listing with all the details they usually ask but it seems like 90% of the people don't even get to the 2nd line, nore do they look at ANY of the pictures.


I don't expect everyone to read the whole thing but seriously, they cannot even get to the 2nd line?!?!?!


I'm completely fine answering legit questions in details but it is so discouraging to get all these questions from people who don't even take 3 second to read where my condo is (2nd line of my listing) or see that I don't have a cooktop (in the description but also clearly shows in pictures, cooking isn't allowed since most people would make fried food). I'm very happy to answer real questions (from a different time zone) but it's difficult to be nice to these lovely illiterate guests at 3 am :-)))


What more can I do?

7 Replies 7
Level 4
Philadelphia, PA

I have the same problem with guests showing up to my listing and finding out I have pets for the first time because they did not read it in my listing description. This has been a real issue when people are scared or allergic. I have found it helpful to include your most important issues in the house rules because before guests can book this pops up for them to read. You can also try including that information in your check in note you send guests before they arrive. After that I am out of ideas 

Is it too rude to tell them right away to refer to the listing if they ask questions that are clearly in there?

I think it's fair to say something like "As it says in the ____ section of my listing..."

Level 10
Kfar Blum, Israel

      @Rc1@Monika64   for three monthe i put in my listing anybody who mentions franz kafka will receive a 15% discount.......

well nobody mentioned his name i pulled it out just last week.........just saying   DOH  

Haha - 15% off is generous!


I have an easter egg in my rules, too. Maybe 40% of guests mention it.

You have a LOVELY place @Allison2! Love your listing description, too! And chocolate, please, for me ;-))

My goodness @Bruce43, that is hilarious!!! 🙂 I mean your idea :-)))

But WOW, people really do not read the listings :-((