About a new coupon code

Level 1
Novi Sad, Serbia

About a new coupon code

We have used coupon code that we got from you to reserve accommodation on Divcibare mountain in Vila Plamenac from 16th till 18th of February, but in meantime (few days ago) we received email from Vila Plamenac that they are canceling our reservation because they were deleted from you website, or they have deleted it themselves. We would like to know if we can use same coupon code for some other accommodation or you will be giving us new code since we have everything planned out for our short vacation.


Barbara Jovanovic

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

Hello @Lucky5 ,

Maybe this helps: What happens to the coupon I used if my host cancels?

Best, Emiel


 Thank you, but it is not possiable.Screen Shot 2018-01-26 at 3.46.20 PM.png

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

Hi @Lucky5

Are you logged in at Airbnb.com ?

I changed URL, try again (but other language can show up)

Best regards, Emiel