Additional charges for cleaning

Level 2
Kelowna, Canada

Additional charges for cleaning

We're new hosts and found that we made an error no charging a cleaning fee.  Also, our guest got a very low price on a prime weekend due to the 'Smart' pricing.  What's the best way to deal with this?

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

Hello @Annette704 ,

As both are your fault (not setting up your listing properly), see it as a learning proces. 

It is "not done" to charge the guest for extra costs if there is allready a confirmed booking.

best regards, Emiel

Level 3
Baton Rouge, LA

Hi @Annette704

Given that the guest has already booked, it's too late to do anything but use it as a learning tool. I no longer use Smart Pricing- it sets my price WAY too low for hosting to be worth my time (I rent a spare room in my house in the heart of downtown). I have a general flat rate, a slightly higher weekend rate, and then I check event calendars for my town and adjust prices accordingly- for example, I live in a college town, so I always check when homecoming and home football games are scheduled and price up. 



Level 2
Ellijay, GA

Judy, I'm also new to hosting and found myself in the same situation. I didn't charge a cleaning fee and chose "smart pricing," as you did. I ended up only getting  $13 a night, when you can't find ANY place that low! I want to give my guests a good deal, but not to my own detriment. Does anyone know how much a cleaning fee should be? I have to clean my whole house with special attention to the guests' bedroom and bathroom areas, plus washing and changing their sheets, pillow cases, towels and other bedding such as blankets and spreads. I'm thinking  $20 isn't too much, but I don't know.