Agreeing a single issue for the current HAB (Host Advisory Board) Rep to take to the Exec.

Level 10
Swansea, United Kingdom

Agreeing a single issue for the current HAB (Host Advisory Board) Rep to take to the Exec.

To get the ball rolling if we were to ask for one issue to be taken to the Exec on our behalves we have the prospect of a confirmation coming back that the issue will be addressed and within what timescale.


I've asked as to when the next Exec Meeting is but if we assume its imminent we could timetable our Resolution(s) to predate the Execs and get a system of communication going. It so happens that several Members have raised an issue that a few of us agree we would like to see changed. Details to follow.


Given that the HAB are rotating their Reps may be it would be useful if we put forward  alternating names to co-ordinate between us the issue(s) we agree we would like prioritised and taken forward one at a time by the HAB Rep to the Exec meetings.


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