Airbnb called me on behalf of a guest

Level 6
Julian, CA

Airbnb called me on behalf of a guest

I received a call the other day from a lady named Grace from Airbnb who said she was a case manager.   It was regarding a renter that had cancelled a stay at our place.  The reservation was made under the strict cancellation policy guidelines so they would not receive their entire refund back.  The renter told me that they needed to cancel due to an unexpected conflict.  They never said anying that led me to believe that they had extenuating circumstances as mentioned in the Airbnb guidelines warranting a refund.  



After a request from the renter for a refund I searced the airbnb community for an answer.  This was because I was struggling d as to whether make an exception and felt very torn as to what to do.  

You see we added the strict policy since our property is expensive and not easy to get renters on a short notice.  We were aware by holding a reservation for someone that during that time no one else could book it.  This essentially is taking it off the market.  Of couse there is no double booking like an airline does!  


The renter started to plead for a refund in her messages.  After reading the community boards I saw one person in my same position had a wonderful idea.  Offer to refund the stay if it is booked by someone else.  So I offered to do exactly that.  I offered a refund of the amount kept if someone else rented for the same period.  In fact Airbnb added to my listing a 10 % discount on the same period to help entice a potential new renter.  This was not something special for me but something they do for all cancellations from what I understand.  


I offered this to the renter and it was ignored with threats to escalate  with Airbnb.  This was after she initially accused Airbnb of misrepresented its refund policy in a previouse message.  


When Grace called form Airbnb I was surprised since the message said she was claling regarding working out a compromise with the renter.  I was mystified.  Compromise?  She told me that the renter had challenged my decision and that she would be making a decistion soon but wanted to mediate first.  The implication was that I may lose the money so better compromise.  So I asked Grace if they had a death in the family or any other reason that qualified for a refund to which she answered that they did not.  I asked Grace then why she was calling to negotiate on behalf of the renter.  She said she was a case manager and did this for all issues between renters and hosts.  This surely did not sit well with me.  I was being made to feel like a smuck for adhering to the strick refund policy.  She asked me to consider refunding half to which I did not answer.  I asked her why Airbnb does not refund her since they are wanting to help her so.  She said they do not do that.  I asked then why should I?  She said well you are getting the money and I replied yes... I was holding the reservation for her.  


I asked Grace from Airbnb if airlines had such a "case manager" or if Amazon called on behalf of buyers to negotiate refunds with sellers?  She said that she understands what I am saying and that this is just her job.  


I told her that I don't apreciate after all the renters many mesages that now Airbnb is also hounding me to refund her.  The refund when the policy speaks for itself.  


Personally I am torn as to whether to refund this or not.  The part of me that feels justified is the part where  renter accused Airbnb misrepresented thmselves.   Also the renter said that something unexpected came up when actually that was not true.  (Grace told me this was a conflict from another obligation made before the reservation with me.  (by the way I don't think the renters prior information should have been told me in any case)


So to me this is just should never happen.  A policy is a policy.  I don't think any host should have to go through this.  


I thought I was working with the renter by offering to refund if booked by someone else.  I think there is no reason for Airbnb to get involved like they did.  


Thank you for listening.

24 Replies 24
Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Good on you John, I think the MS made a man out of me! It taught me to take responsibility, and the thing that struck me when we started going to the support group meetings was, the number of single sufferers! As soon as the partner found out what the problem was they would p*ss off for greener pastures, and I vowed and declared I would never do that....I would never leave this woman in the lurch! So I think the MS has been good for our relationship. The lowest point for me was in February last year when I had to sit across a desk in the Canberra hospital while a neurologist told another of my girls she has MS! I just sat there and thought, God....bloody 'Groundhog Day' how many times in my life does this have to happen.

There might be a few downs John....but there are plenty of ups as well!


Level 1
Flagstaff, AZ

I had something very similar  happen.   There are cancellation  policies in place for a reason.   I told them that unfortunately this is my business,  my only income and I would be going by the rules of the cancellation policy. Her reason for wanting 100% refund was that she was a student and couldn't  afford not getting 100 % back.  She had made that room unavailable up u til 24 hours before she was to arrive.  I could have re - booked if she had not waited so long . I would have lost money. This is my business that I'm very passionate about.  Not a charity. 

Hi Jenny.  Yes I think of this non refundable portion the fee to hold a reservation.  Not for the rental fee.  It is a fee that is credited to the rental price when the guest shows up.  



Level 2
Santa Monica, CA

This exact same scenario happened with us...though it was even worse because the guest had already checked in and stayed a night. The guest had booked the entire month of December (we no longer do reservations that long because of it), and after she checked in, she said that the house was "too cold." We asked if there was a problem with the heat (as were are out of town), and the guest said that she hadn't turned it on! Then she contacted me again and said the house was "too hot." I kid you not. This is what happened. She said that she wanted to check-out. The guest then said that she was frightened of using gas appliances. I offered to purchase and bring in electric space heaters >> but the guest was already on the phone with Airbnb >> negotiating a FULL 100% REFUND. In the end, the guest stayed three days, damaged some of the linens and Airbnb gave the guest ALL HER MONEY BACK and we were stuck paying $$$ thousands of dollars. We stopped hosting immediately and contemplated legal action against both Airbnb and the guest. This absolutely ruined our Christmas, too. We believe that the guest had a change in her plans and people have learned how to scam the system, because Airbnb [now] always sides with the guests. This however was not our experience when we first began hosting many years ago, when Airbnb was in its infancy. (We had one guest who spilled an entire bottle of red wine on a white wool rug and it needed replacing. Airbnb were champs about it when the guest refused to pay for the full damage). So in the end, we decided to return to hosting, but it is with much apprehension now and we verify all guests, ask many questions,  and have added an addendum to our house rules stating that guests must verify that they are aware of the strict cancellation policy. Just terrible business practice to stick it to hosts in this way, because we are the ones assuming all the risk opening up our homes to strangers. 

I'm wondering why Brian the CEO of Airbnb doesn't read this forum instead of going around for one to talk with the hosts.

Re: CEO Brian not following the forum - excellent question.  I would think at least they could hire someone to monitor and act as liaison.  Maybe they don't choose to do this because no news is good news?  Also maybe because his one-off appearances only take that short amount of time, there's no need to establish an ongoing dialogue.


 I would also like to know why the moderators who ARE involved are so quick to jump in with "fun" suggestions of topics, but seemingly are unable to do any real problem solving.  I seem to recall that they aren't even actual Airbnb employees, they're just contractors.  How's that for a sincere commitment to hosts?

Level 2
New Orleans, LA

That sounds strange, I have never heard of Abnb having "case managers". Was there any way for you to verify that this person is employed by Air bnb?? I don't know if any other hosts have ever tried to get an Air bnb representative on the phone to resolve an issue, but the last time I tried it was almost impossible to even get a phone number!! Hard to believe a guest had such good luck!.....just sayin'

Level 1
Lion's Head, Canada

I had the exact same thing happen, and Airbnb called and basically made me feel horrible, so I agreed to refund a portion of not 1 cancellation by the renter, but 2, as he had cancelled and then rebooked, then cancelled again!!!  I did tell him to not request a booking with me again though!!  

I am sorry Maxine.  I know they really play with your emotions.  

I recently placed a sporting bet via a popular online betting service. Unfortunately, my team lost. I really can't afford to lose the money so I'm going to call the company and ask for a refund.

What do you think my chances are?