Breakfast is turned of - but ad shows that breakfast is included!

Level 2
Stockholm, Sweden

Breakfast is turned of - but ad shows that breakfast is included!

This is so annoying since I'm working. I will not have time to fix breakfast for my guest during the weeks. I can solve it during the weekends but I didn't account for that when setting the price since I had turned of that breakfast is included. In the hostview the button is unticked but ad still shows breakfast. I've even tried to tick and untick the checkbox to see if that would olve the bug but the problem persists. Does anyone else have the same issue and how did you solve it?


Does anyone have a good advice on how to handle the breakfast issue? What does guest expect, is a nice sandwich and juice and coffe enough. Can i preper it and just leave it in the fridge cause the guest will probably be up much later than i leave for work. I want my guest to have an excellent stay and I if they expect breakfast I don't want them to be dissapointed. 


Also I have edited the weekend price, the calender shows the correct price but if a guest book say 2 week days and then the weekend airbnb only charges the week day price for both the week days and the weekend. This platform seems to have a lot of bugs!

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Janna25  If breakfast is showing in guest view, but not in your listing preview, you need to contact airbnb so they can remove it.

For guests who have already booked expecting breakfast, how about just providing yogurt, fruit and granola, that seems easy and you can just leave that stuff in the fridge and let the guest know it is there for them, as well as whatever way there is to make coffee. If anyone complains that they were expected some full cooked breakfast, you can explain to them that the breakfast amenity appeared on your listing without you doing it, and that you are working on getting it removed, that you would never have offered breakfast since you need to go to work in the mornings, but that you are providing breakfast makings until it gets corrected.