Calificación a un mal huésped

Level 1
San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina

Calificación a un mal huésped

Hola, mi nombre es Daniel: soy miembro de Airbnb hace más de un año, jamás tuve problemas serios con los huéspedes.

Hace unos días hospedé en mi departamento unas personas que en general fueron correctas excepto en el hecho de que tenían un perrito que aparentemente lo dejaron solo en la propiedad mientras ellos no estaban. Aclaro, que en el sistema pongo que no acepto mascotas.

Cuando abandonaron la propiedad dejaro todo razonablemente ordenado pero las sábanas y cubrecamas estaban llenas de pelos del perrito (no podemos quitarlas de ni luego de haberlas lavado 2 veces). La propiedad y algunos muebles estaban orinados por el animalito y aún ahora no podemos quitar todo el olor.

La cuestión es que califiqué a estas personas negativamente y ahora me escribe quejándose de mis comentarios y pidiéndome que corrija mis calificaciones.


1 - ¿Puedo modificar mis comentarios?, sólo al efecto de que esta persona me deje tranquilo, porque no puse más que la verdad.

2 - Quisiera escuchar vuestras experiencias similares y cómo las resolvieron.



1 Reply 1
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

Google translates:

Hi, my name is Daniel: I'm an Airbnb member over a year ago, I never had any serious problems with guests.
A few days ago I lodged in my apartment some people who were generally correct except in the fact that they had a puppy that apparently left him alone in the property while they were not there. I clarify, that in the system I say that I do not accept pets.
When they left the property I left everything reasonably tidy but the sheets and covers were full of puppy hair (we can not remove them from or after having washed them twice). The property and some furniture were urinated by the animal and even now we can not remove all the smell.
The point is that I qualified these people negatively and now he writes to me complaining about my comments and asking me to correct my qualifications.
I ask:
1 - Can I modify my comments ?, only to the effect that this person leaves me alone, because I did not put more than the truth.
2 - I would like to hear your similar experiences and how they were solved.

@Daniel1048  ,

You can only change a review within 48 hours after writing AND if the guest did not already wrote a review. As they are both published allready, it can not be changed. I understand the guest wants you to change it ? I read the review you wrote for D. and IMO it is simply the truth as experienced by you.

If the guest disagrees with your review, he can write a comment on your review.


Best regards,
