Crowded house-cheap night

Level 1
Clarenville, Canada

Crowded house-cheap night

Hi, question here. I have a fully detached bungalow rented for 110 nightly. Its for 6 ppl. I am finding lately ppl are booking a getaway for either all woman or all men. Once I had 9 men sleeping on couches, beds and pull out couch. There ismore laundry, cleaning etc. Normally I get a small family. It's costing me more while it's costing them 15-20 a night. It's almost not worth it. My cleaning fee is 50. Is this normal? 

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Lisa1347  Why are you allowing more people than your home is set up for to stay? And what does the gender of the group have to do with it? 

Yes, it happens fairly often than guests show up with more people than they booked for- what's not normal is that the hosts just allow it. 

@Lisa1347  Echoing what Sarah said, you have every right to refuse entry to unannounced/unpaid extra guests. But it does help to have a clear policy noted in your House Rules about this - as well as the willingness to enforce it.

Level 10
Chicago, IL

@Lisa1347 you have to make a few decisions here. How did you arrive to the number 6? Local regulation (do not forget there is fire code and insurance to consider)? Number of beds? If you can allow up to 9 people, why not say that and appeal to bigger pool of people? If it is costing you more, charge more per person after a certain number. I am personally against that approach- too hard to police- but it works for many. I set my number of guests and stick with it. No charge per guest but hard no as far as extra people. I even have a device that counts the number of people for me.