Did you activate the temporary flex cancellation policy? Have you gotten your service fees back?

Level 10
Alberta, Canada

Did you activate the temporary flex cancellation policy? Have you gotten your service fees back?

Remember this?    https://news.airbnb.com/more-flexible-reservations-in-times-of-uncertainty


"Finally, we will waive our standard 3 percent host fee on new reservations for these listings* through June 1, 2020".


Has anyone gotten their host service fees returned? I haven't.

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Chicago, IL

I switched to that policy for a few weeks but then switched back to strict after not receiving any reservations

@Alex893  I kept it until it expired. I should be getting $100 worth of service fees returned, but am not the least bit surprised it hasn't happened. Another day, another Airbnb  deception.


Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Colleen253  "Waive" means they shouldn't have taken out the 3% service fee in the first place, not that they would return it after the fact. 

@Sarah977  I know, I understood that to mean the same but in the fine print it says:


"Airbnb will waive, and/or rebate to the host, the 3% host service fee for all bookings under a flexible or moderate cancellation policy with a check-in date on or before June 1, 2020. Rebates will be paid by June 30, 2020".


Before I read that,  I inquired as to why I was still being charged the service fee on eligible reservations. I was told by CS that they "are being rebated'. Who knows? All I know is that they were neither waived nor rebated.