Does anybody else get peeved with the "notification" that "Basic requirements needs your attention"

Level 2
Market Drayton, United Kingdom

Does anybody else get peeved with the "notification" that "Basic requirements needs your attention"

Basic requirements needs your attention
Your performance has fallen below the average for hosts, and it's important to focus on improving it.
So I go to the page and it is still the same:- Basic requirement, You have 1 cancellation within the last year,  I KNOW  but I can't do anything about that can I, it's history, not something I can wotrk on.  I get so cross because I lost my superhost ststus because of this  mix up with they way dates are shown as available (my 1st year as a host- I'm used to the wau it's presented now)  All my other ststs are well within boundaries!!  I feel it is very disheartening and should be addressed a little more sympathetically
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