Families with kids and wetted sheets :(

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

Families with kids and wetted sheets :(

We usually do not host children. We did , we regret it and stopped, then made few exceptions, regret it again and we are now officially done with hosting children forever. It is (also but not only ) because EVERY family we hosted had at least one child who peed in bed. And I am talking about kids 3 - 5 - 7.... y.o. , not about infants. 

And NOT THE SINGLE ONE told us about the accident! 

Some of them just left all wetted beddings hanging on the door or in a pile on the floor so we could only guess why they did it, what's happend and on which bed. Others just covered wetted sheet with a duvet hoping we will not notice (??!!) and one of them even turned over the mattrass!

Of course we had to notice it first and then spend significant amount of our very narrow cleaning time to check all beds and all beddings to see what is wetted and to replace it. 

What is wrong with those people? What is wrong with kids today? Do they pee in bed until puberty??? 

We do have water proof sheets on all mattrasses but what bothers me the most is that they don't say anything and don't ask for new sheets . They just transfer their kid to another bed  ... 

Funny thing is that the last family instant booked for all adults (!) and then mentioned 3 small children only in a message. I didn't cancel just because they had all great reviews.  Then they asked for a discount for children (!) and for late check out (!) . Luckly I denied othervise the apartment would not be ready on time for another guest . 

Now I had enough and decided to mention wetted bed in a review and to warn future hosts about it .  Any help with a review is much appreciated , thank you...

36 Replies 36
Level 10
Seattle, WA

@Branka-and-Silvia0 sorry to hear this! I had a similiar thing happened to me like the last part about a guest who make IB with great reviews (but want to break rules). I recently post this > https://community.withairbnb.com/t5/forums/v3_1/forumtopicpage/board-id/listing-and-reservations/pag...


Not only they have good review, this particular guest is a superhost. Max.occupancy for the unit I rent out is 4 people (yes, including kids and infants). Their booking says 4 adults, and in the message (after I asked) they said 4 adults and 2 infants. I reached out to ABB right away to have the reservation cancelled. They asked me if I can "make an exception", I was so confused what kind of a super host is this person? Probably just different hosting style, but I am sticking to my rules.


Regarding the kids peeing on the bed, I have always been worried about this... is there any waterproof mattress cover or something you can recommend?

Oh my @Farah1! Okay, I come from the land of LOTS of relatives/friends w/kids...and unfortutnately an in-law with the same "issue!"

I bought this from JCPenney (2 of them actually!) My husband manages JCPenney here and said these are the most popular AND the best protecting for the price. They are hypoallergenic, all cotton, zippered (covers bottom and top) and machine washable: http://jcp.is/2vjCEud

They ship to your house, a local store or you can just buy one in the store!

Add to the list my experiences.... soiled sheets or duvets... just disappear... why ? so as not to have to explain the issue - they ditch them with the weekly garbage... even for two large rugs... then insist they were never there when they booked in.

Level 9
Santa Rosa, CA

Ohhh, that is awful! I don't allow children or pets in my home becuse of your situation. I have had guests message me asking me to make an exception... I haven't made one 🙂

@Sharion0 smart girl ! 🙂

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia


yes, I've seen your post and I agree totaly 🙂 No more exceptions

we have waterproof fitted sheets from IKEA but I do not recommend them and will buy other kind as soon as I find better ones. They are very loose and tend to fold so we have to adjust and realign them every time we make a bed.  I would not recommend bothsided waterproof mattress covers with a zipper bc it is hard to change it if wetted or dirty, you have to lift the mattress to pull it out / tuck it in and zip it. 

The main problem is that all waterproof sheets/covers are waterproofed just on the top while sideways they do not protect.  So if a kid pee in bed and then sit on the edge then it is a problem and additional cost for professional cleaning, not to mention it takes few days for mattress to dry up .

@Branka-and-Silvia0 mi imamo iz JYSK-A-a ne promoćive za krevete i do sada su se pokazali vrlo dobri . Možda bi i Vama modgovarali

hvala na savjetu @Duje0 ... jel imaju samo gornju stranu i onda na uglovima 4 gumene trake za zakvačiti ili imaju i stranice... kao plahta na gumicu?

@Branka-and-Silvia0 imaju samo gornju stranu i onda na uglovima 4 gumene trake za zakvačit.

mi stavimo tu kao ne propusnu plahtu, poviše još jednu kao sigurnosnu plahtu , tek onda ide lancun

@Duje0 je, imamo i mi jednu takvu zaštitu za sofu na razvlačenje, to je praktičnije od ovih ikeinih, bar se ne mora poravnavat svaki puta. Ma problem je što kad se dete popiški onda roditelji maknu mokru plahtu, maknu tu zaštitu za madrac i stave dijete da spava na prekrivaču ili nečemu na nezaštćenom madracu umjesto da nam jave i da im to promijenimo. I što ne odvoje posteljinu koju su smočili pa sve moramo pregledavati detaljno i gubiti vrijeme. Još pokušavaju i sakriti. To me najviše ljuti i to mi je najveći problem 😞 Još ajde da se to dogodi ponekada... ali baš SVAKI puta !? A kupaonica im je odmah vrata do vrata sa spavaćom sobom!

@Branka-and-Silvia0  I mene je strah da će se i meni nešto slićno dogodit sa propišavanjem, ali mi do sada nismo imali  problema sa djecom i njihovim "propišavanjem" u krevet. Imali smo oko desetak male djece između par mjeseci (ćak smo imali i bebu od 3 mjeseca) do 3 godine i sve je bilo uredu.

Osobno mislim da je to do kulture gosta i da oni svojim ponašanjem poručuju da ih nije briga za Vas i za vašu imovinu.

možda bi mogli gostima koji Vam dolaze s djecom napomenit da ukoliko njihovo dijete "propiša" da Vam se odmah jave pa da će te im donit nove zaštite, ali opet ni to nije sigurno da će Vam se uopće javit.

@Duje0 pa to me čudi evo vama se to nije nikada dogodilo a nama svaki puta !

Ma zaštita neće propustiti ali kada se dijete probudi i sjedne na rub kreveta i nastavi sa strane 😞 Ili kada roditelji maknu zaštitu pa se isto ponovi iduću noć...

Evo ovi zadnji gosti, rekli smo im da ne primamo djecu i zbog tog problema i uvjeravali su nas da se to njihovoj djeci ne dešava ... bili su samo jednu i noć i desilo se. Mislim da je to znak da trebamo prestati primati djecu jer će se desiti nešto gore od toga, to je neka karmička stvar ja bi rekla 🙂

@Branka-and-Silvia0 i mene ćudi da se to ne događa.

Najbolje Vam je onda da ne primate obitelj s malom djecom i mislim da ste onda rješili problem, jer kat tad će Vam se opet dogodit propišavanje.

@Duje0 ma niti ne primamo već odavno, ovo smo napravili iznimku jer je žena prvo bukirala za 6 odraslih osoba (inače ne bi mogla instant bukirati) a onda u poruci spomenula djecu. Znači mogli smo otkazati rezervaciju ali smo napravili iznimku pa ih ostavili. Ali nema više iznimki ubuduće, to je bilo to. Još je tražila i popust i kasniji check out 🙂 

Sad još moram smislit što da im napišem u review jer stvarno nisu u redu