Fun Idea for Guest Reviews!

Level 1
Denver, CO

Fun Idea for Guest Reviews!

Great idea for current/future Guests to view previous Reviews!Great idea for current/future Guests to view previous Reviews!


Capture highlighted bits from your favorite Reviews!Capture highlighted bits from your favorite Reviews!

So I created these little cubes the other night for our Airbnb room upstairs...! I want to know what other hosts think of it? I have a Guestbook upstairs and it is used by every other Guest or so, so current/future Guests don't really get to see or read about our past guests' reservations. 


I made the cubes so that my current guests see why our listing stood out from other Airbnb's in the area. The custom cubes show our guests that we take the time to read and understand their reviews/feedback that is left behind to hopefully promote future guests to leave great reviews as well.


I have an Etsy account where I am able to create these for you as a host! Let's share great reviews/memories together 🙂


As an Airbnb host in our community center, you'll get 20% off your order!


But of course, this can also be done as a 'DIY' project. Thanks for reading!

1 Reply 1

@Jo258 that is so cool.


And a wonderful idea.

Thank you for sharing it!