Guest can now check of compliments when they are reviewing the host.

Level 10
Vermont, United States

Guest can now check of compliments when they are reviewing the host.

What do you think of the Guest compliments check off list when a guest leaves a review? it currently appears on devices not on desktops.


Thoughtfull Touches


Outstanding Hospitality


Sparkling Clean


Quick Response


Amazing Amenities


Stylish Place


Local Tips

1 Reply 1
Level 4
Kennewick, WA

Part of me loves it because it lets me know what guests value most. That said, I find it irritating because there is no way for potential guests to know that it is a new feature...for example, I have 205 reviews and there are only 65 Outstanding Hospitality ratings. Context is important! As a guest I see that ____ number of recent guests have given ____ compliments. What defines "recent"?  These ratings are not useful information in the current form.