Guests are always late!

Level 10
Catania, Italy

Guests are always late!

If hosts are rated on "check in" with stars, why aren't guests?  I literally wait 2-4 hours for guests to arrive, none of them available via phone.  I'm currently 2 hours into another wait.  It's a Saturday night, I've missed a dinner with a friend because the guest is two hours late.   At what point do the hosts have the right to just leave and make the guests wait for them?  If you schedule a time to arrive with your host, then don't show up for 2 - 4 hours, that is beyond rude.  It is ridiculous and completely disrespectful.  Hosts have lives, too, and making someone wait for up to 4 hours for you is completely unacceptable.  Especially since hosts are rated on "check in", yet guests can basically get away with showing up whenever they feel like it.  UNREAL.

50 Replies 50

@Kelly149, what is CS?  Customer Service?


@Kelly149, I agree.  The phone app is more like Twitter.   140 characters max!

@Lisa367   I always send the check-in / check-out times when I accept their reservation and ask them to let me know if they are arriving at a different time because "I will need to make arrangements to be here to meet them" even though I live here. It seems to make them sit up and take note and all have since been very good at keeping in touch and letting me know if they have been unavoidably delayed.

It is a problem for all of us hosts it seems. The times I've sat waiting on a guest to arrive. I always ask them for an ETA. Nearly all respond and most arrive around the time that they said they would. Flight delays are by far my biggest headache. 

Level 10
Las Vegas, NV

I haven't been doing this long but even with the first guest I was shocked at the whole check in time thing.  Leaving so far hasn't been an issue--I thought it would be leaving would be the big deal and checking in would be a breeze but it's the total opposite.  One guy showed up at 2am check in I would like to happen before 9.  He told me in the beginning he needed to check in at midnight and I was fine with that--saying he hoped to arrive much earlier but just in case he wanted to know if he could arrive as late as midngiht.  I think when I first started I felt people would want to stay in someone's home because it was someone's home...not a hotel and with that were certain expectations--like since there is not 24/7 staff or 'reception' to check in whenever they would make sure they would arrive during a reasonable hour.  Most people, as it turns out, want the hotel experience but have a tap water budget.  Oh, and people sure as heck do not care about it being your home..I guess they feel that whatever it is they are paying you--it covers your time AND the space they are using lol.





"Tap water budget"....  stealing that line!

Level 1
San Francisco, CA

Why don't you just get a lock box for the keys? Makes it so much easier, and (as a guest) I prefer that flexibility too. 

Level 1
Kaunas, Lithuania

Hello everyone, my guest is coming on sunday. I write to him asking his family name, becouse insted of his picture just "HI", insdet of his name and family name is Karolis S. no any other info and rewiew about him, he refused to tell me his family, I don't know what to do,to cancel or to wait antill he will show up.

If you are using your phone to view the reservation, it will not show you everything.
Try using your computer. Also, you should set restrictions for booking. You can set it where a guest needs to provide their identification to Airbnb along with other info for your own safety and peace of mind.

Lore, I don't usually ask for family names etc, but if the profile pic is unclear and so are their details, then I would cancel at their expense for noncompliance. Also, make it clear in your rules what you need/require from them. 



If you cancel, you'll get penalized.


Tell ABB exactly what you posted here and see what they say.  Best way to reach them is via Twitter.


ABB has his full name.  It was on the credit card.

Level 2
Kingston, Jamaica

Oh boy Lisa, you have hit the nail on the head with this! This question that you have posted about the guets check-in rating is a very pertinent to this issue. 


Maybe they will consider implementing this rating for guests. 



Level 10
Coogee, Australia

hi @Lisa367


Try to organise a self check-in, there's lot of system that allow that, or just leave the keys under a plant pot. 🙂 with us it's working! 


cheers Raf