Hi All

Level 1
Long Beach, CA

Hi All

I have a listing in a small, little known mountain town. (Twin Peaks) Just 8 minutes away is a larger, better known city (Lake Arrowhead) that most people would search for.  Is there a way to list my place in both cities?


1 Reply 1
Level 10
London, United Kingdom



Hi - no, you can’t  list a property as being in two different towns for very good reasons.


I guess the point you want to be able to get across is that you are only xx miles from xx. All you can really do is ensure that info is very high up in your listings info. 


You could slso also look to change the title of your listing: I can’t remember the number of characters allowed, but something like: Cottage near Lake Arrowhead.


Remember that these key words or tags will show up in search engines...


Finally make sure you are totally transparent about driving times and distances - otherwise people may feel that have been misled about location.


Yku can also set up a Facebook page for your property- and that gives you many more options- but you can’t get away from the fact that your place is not in the prime tourist location.


Good luck!