Hours guests can be in your house

Level 4
Phoenix, AZ

Hours guests can be in your house

So, I've had some great experiences with Airbnb and now I have two guests who basically are sitting around either in my kitchen all day, or in my main room all night.  They basically almost never leave the house.  I've asked them to move into their room after I go to bed (the main room is right outside of my bedroom and I cannot close the door because of cats), and they really seemed disgruntled about that.  After all, they can watch t.v. on their computers via my wifi in their room.  Now they are complaining, saying that the internet is causing a "buzzing in their heads and nightmares" and can I turn it off so that the vibrations don't affect them.  I mean. . . Thank goodness the rental is only for four total days, but I really want to find a way to prevent this in the future. 


Has anyone on here adopted a standard B & B policy where you must leave the house between a certain hour and not come back until a certain hour?  Or other ideas?  I don't want to be a jerk, but I work from home and all day today these people were interrupting me while I was on business calls.  I live in a tourist town, full of incredible natural beauty and I cannot understand why anyone would want to sit in my small house basically on top of me instead of going out to see the sights.  Even if that is what someone who comes here wants, it's not at all what I want as a host. 


How would you handle this for future listings? 

18 Replies 18
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Sam, I'm sitting here in stitches!!!! After all the guest put you through they had the check to complint about YOUR bad feng shui - wonders shall never cease!!! I'm so sorry to laugh, it is obviously far from being funny, I just can't get over how these people think.


Anyway, the positive is that it is over now and your response to their feedback what just rirgh. Re teh bookings, most guest don't read the rules  to the extent that youhave to point them out sometimes when the break the rules so I doubt a couple of new rules will have that much impact; most likely a slow down or I hear that Airbnb are currebntly pushing certain listings including new listings, who knows -time will tell.


You take care now,



Level 8
London, United Kingdom

I had a guest from Australia who went out one day for about an hour to buy some food and another day for 3 hours, part from that she stayed in the house all day, luckily mainly in her room or the garden.  On one day she didn't even leave her room (apart from an occassional trip to the wc).  She was 18 and had stayed in a hostel for 5 days before coming to me so had plenty of time to get over jet lag. I actually go to the point where I was getting freaked out that she might be committing suidide in my spare room.  I was just weird, why come half way around to world to a city like London to see nothing of it but sit in a bedroom for a week. I do wonder now if I shouldahve knocked on her door and encouraged her out more as to get away from her I was the one going out!

Oh, I would have gone crazy.  No way, man.  You are a saint for not having freaked out.  My last group was brilliant, but the ones I was complaining about alternated between locking themselves up in their room and watching internet films (I became worried about my internet data plan) and sitting in the main room right outside my bedroom door at night while I was trying to sleep.  No more.  I've decided to be quite clear about it all. 

Level 2
Orlando, FL

I currently have a guest who did not like my house rule of no males on weekdays, practically begged me to let him stay, citing that he feels the same way about his nephews as I do about the safely of my kids. I am a stay at home mom and don't want a single man in my home whole my husband is at work and I'm with my two kids. I shouldn't have accepted him, but I did, and now I regret it. His essay length request to stay at my place was an indicator. He asked me and my husband lots of questions about when we are home and what time we go to bed, what time we would get up, what my kids names are, and he fully believed that because I stayed in  Thailand one night on a layover, that I loved his home country as much as he did. He asked us about good thai restaurants, he ever referenced the door code that was on my house manual. He wrote everything about my profile down in a notebook that he would reference while talking to us. Now he has been poking around the communal areas of my house (even though he said he doesn't want to cook here) and making me nervous. I'm locked my bedroom, afraid of going out because he might ask me more questions about Asia, or talk about the stuff I posted on my personal Airbnb profile. Ugh!