How do we improve if we only get excellent feed back yet we are getting less than 5 star

How do we improve if we only get excellent feed back yet we are getting less than 5 star

If we are only getting excellent feed back from guests how can we change things to get 5 star all the time. Airbnb need to give us something so we know how we can improve.

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Miami, FL

It looks like the accuracy rating is lower than the others. Can you think of why this might happen?

Level 10
California, United States

You dont' need feedback from Airbnb to improve -- you can improve your hosting by joining the host community and learning tips and suggestions from other hosts.    In fact, feedback from other hosts is much, much more likely to be useful to you than the automated feedback from Airbnb which comes via guest comments/ratings, which are subjective, sometimes not accurate or useful, and even at times, quite inappropriate.  Hosts are the best help to other hosts.  


You can also talk to your guests directly and ask them questions about what they might like.  

Level 10
Bergen, Norway

@Deborah16  In your dashboard there is a breakdown of your star ratings and from there you may find out who gave you lower rating for accuracy despite the glowing reviews.  Just write to them and ask politely why.