Do you allow guests to eat food in a private room? If so, do...
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Do you allow guests to eat food in a private room? If so, do you provide a table, or let them eat on the bed. New to Airbnb, ...
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I have had an inquiry that has dragged on for more then two weeks. He has no information on his page and is asking all kinds of questions and writing inappropriate things in messages. He asked for my personal phone number and sent his by writing out a combination of numbers and words. When I told him no it was against policy his response was "i wont tell". I reported him and haven't heard back from Airbnb. Now he booked 6 days over $2000. in a very busy time for me. My fear is because it is flexible cancellation he will wait until the day before and cancel. I will lose a whole week. Any suggestions.
Sorry @Pat21, but you need to contact Airbnb and state this guest wanted to break their terms of service and even though you have notencouraged him, he has been inappropriate and lewd. State that even with this new booking, you feel uncomfortable, harassed/stalked and instinctively unsafe.
Do not cancel the booking as you will be penalised and your dates blocked. Insist that Airbnb have the guest cancel or they should cancel the booking themselves as you are frightened.
Ask them to do this, and also “Report” him again, as he is not appropriate for the platform.
Personally I would not want him to stay, whether he booked or not! He seems sleazy and predatory!
He has been blocked. Thanks
@Pat21. Also have a look at this link for help, put together by an experience host.
@Pat21 I would call Airbnb support. I had an issue where a reservation was just not going to work out, although it was a scheduling issue on the guest's end (no inappropriate behavior). I left the reservation alone on the site and spoke with support. They were quick to assess the situation, look back at conversations, and speak with both myself and the guest. Ultimately, they were able to cancel the reservation without me having to cancel it on my end. From how you are describing your situation I believe you have legitimate cause for concern. I would reach out and see what can be done. Good luck!
@Daniel1598, @Cathie19Thanks, I am in the process. Had all ready Reported him before he booked. I thought that would help, but didn't. Now I've reached out through twitter, so will see if that helps. If I need to go further, I will.
I did connect with Airbnb. I had reported him and they checked him out and said he was fine. I was not happy but figured he was just messing with me and hoped he would cancel and he did.
@Pat21 I would seek to speak personally with a representative. As a Super Host you have a phone number to call. Reporting a profile does not lead to a response to the reporter. The longer this reservation remains the longer your place is unavailable. Keep us posted and good luck!
@Pat21 maybe I missed something here but I am assuming you use IB since you would have had to approve it before it could be booked, and since it was booked after you reported him you wouldn't have approved it so if it was done through IB doesn't the host have the right to refuse it without penalty?
@Heather133 it states on that link that a host can cancel 3 times in a year without penalty for being uncomfortable with the person.
@Sam397 I understand. I've just had enough experience to be wary about how it might be handled. I'm also concerned that it's limited to three times. That said, IB has worked out very well for me.
@Sam397, @Heather133, @Linda108, @Daniel1598, @Cathie19
Yes, IB and have had a response from Airbnb."However, you reported this guest and if still an Airbnb user, it means that we didn't find anything to remove him from our platform." They also said under the cancellation policies they are able to waive associated penalties. Not sure if they block the days or if that means a clean cancellation.
At this time, I have decided to go along with the booking, and If he shows and stays I will have my husband take care of all personal contacts, have my husband be at the house to do a walk through as they check out.
I am trying to decide rather to take the house off IB. I've only declined one inquiry in three years, so not sure just how much I can actually see about the person before they book. Hope this ends well. I must admit, I've had only wonderful guest so far.
It's definitely a good idea to reach out to Airbnb support (if their available) to raise your concerns. If you truly feel uncomfortable, let them know and request for the reservation to be cancelled. They will likely consider the situation and possibly cancel the reservation on your behalf, possibly penalty free, especially since the guest was obviously attempting to connect with you outside of Airbnb.