Listing not appearing in search results

Level 1
Toronto, Canada

Listing not appearing in search results

Hi all!

I know this seems to be a common topic, but my listing is not appearing. 

I have been told it is because I have declined too many offers.  What I really don't understand is, where does it say that we are penalized for saying "no" to an offer?  I have consistently had my place booked for the last 3 years and have been a host for the last 5 years.  I am a super host with great reviews and response rates.   By having this algorithm block our listings, we all lose out.  Airbnb does not make any money and my place remains empty.  I just don't get it.   I want to continue to host, but only to guests that I feel comfortable.    So, they say that I have to accept more often.  1. How do I accept requests if my listing no longer appears, so I am not getting any.  2. Why should I accept requests that I am not comfortable with?

Any insight?  I would really like to get back "in the game".


Thank you in advance.

-frustated airbnb host

5 Replies 5
Level 10
Vancouver, WA

Definitely a Catch 22.


You can try lowering your rate some or turning on Instant Book (which obviously defeats the purpose of being able to screen your guests before accepting their request) but the combination of those two tweaks could help boost your listing temporarily so you can get back in the game.

Level 2
Washington, DC

You have to acknowledge them within 24 hours, you don't necesarily have to make a yes/no decision.  By pulling your listing out AirBnB ensures that guests continue to use the platform.  It's one of those "greater good" things.  you can also create a "new" listing and just duplicate your current property.  New listings get pushed to the top.  Then delete the duplicate once you've accepted a few bookings. You can also use this to offer future guests the option to alter the reservation and switch to your original listings. 


I have additional house rules that basically force guests to meet my criteria for my personal trust and safety.  They have to message them to me as part of the process so that they cn be held accountable.  IF they don't, I have the right to deny them access for failure to follow house rules before they ever set foot on my property. 



1.  Drop your price below everyone in your area and it'll show up later in the list. You'll probably have to accept someone you wouldn't otherwise accept, but you can set up a maximum stay and set it to 1 day (the options are off to the right in your calendar screen)

2.  You probably shouldn't.  But it might help you develop your personal thresholds.  Every house rule I have is based on an unpleasant experience with prior guests. 


Your place is lovely and the view is great.

Not sure who told you it was because of declined bookings, unless your declines show a pattern of behavior of discrimination (do they?).  Who did you talk to about this?

My guess it that your challenge is the 7-day booking requirement and 7 pages (!) of Superhosts with Entire House listings in your immediate neighborhood all competing for the same client who might not be declining as often as you. Watch this Webinar on how Search results work:  

And, btw, it does say in several places that declining a booking is not "acceptable" on the Airbnb platform and can affect your listing results  This attitude is reflected in the rules for Superhost, response rate, 24 accept/decline rule, and instant book.  Airbnb is a different place than it was when you started hosting.  

Good luck. 


Thanks for supplying those links, @Alice-and-Jeff0. I hate to sound discriminatory based on age, but after seeing the video hosted by 4 managers who all appear under the age of 30, I now have more insight about why so many conflicts exist between hosts and Airbnb. 


Although I am certain each of these individuals is vastly competent at what they do, there is no shortcut to the sort of real-world experience only the passing of time can provide. 



Level 9
Burnaby, Canada


Do you have Instant Book on?  I don't and I noticed my listing isn't showing up where previously as a super host for 3 years I was the first listing for my area. After searching everywhere, I noticed the "Instant Booking" filter at the top of the page of listings and every listing showing was an Instant Booking. When I removed the filter, up came my listing. I am not a happy camper as I want to decide on who shares my home but it looks like Airbnb want to give preference to those who chose to use Instant Book. If you aren't using this, go to the listings for your area and see if all of them have Instant Book.