Miscalculation superhost rating?

Level 10
Bexley, Australia

Miscalculation superhost rating?

Does anyone else have a problem with superhost rating?  Was always a superhost for 3 years but hosted my sons property when long term tenants left during Covid.  Got a few 4s so understood losing superhost.  Fortunately I stopped hosting for him.  So have been working hard towards getting it back and just think Airbnb are wrong.  I was 4.7 at last rating and still 4.7 in January overall rating.  I have gone through every review for this year period and have 23 fives and 2 fours.  To me that is more than 4.9!

1 Reply 1
Level 10
London, United Kingdom



By my calculations, that's a 4.92. 


If you are absolutely sure those are all the ratings from the past year, have you tried contacting Airbnb to see what's going on? Could be a computer glitch.