More Flexible Reservations - details?

Level 3
Chicago, IL

More Flexible Reservations - details?


Are there any details yet on the nuts and bolts of this program from the host side?

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Ben-and-Sam0  Haven't read any thing but what was stated in the article. And supposedly it isn't an option yet in North America.

It seems to me that this is just a ploy to get hosts with Strict policies to switch to Flexible or Moderate. An also unfair to hosts who have always had a flexible or moderate policy, if they are going to boost the "switchers" in the rankings over those. I'm sure Airbnb is having a really fun time right now fielding phone calls from irate guests screaming about getting a 100% refund due to coronavirus, even if they aren't in or going to an affected area.