Negative reviews about guests?

Level 10
British Columbia, Canada

Negative reviews about guests?

Usually if there is no big issues, I would like to leave all guests, especially newbies, a positive reviews to encourage them to come back to use Airbnb. 


But recently I've realized maybe that's not a good idea? I'm still hesitating because sometimes guests do not mean to do anything unpleasant; it is just the lack of cultural sensitivity. For example, my recent guests, a mother and a daughter, took shower at 4:30am, and the loud noise literaally woke me up. And I had to apoplogize to the guest sleeping in the next-door room. They probably were not aware that it was inappropriate, and the way they said Good-bye to me when they checked out was friendly and innocent--a sign that they did not know that they caused disturbance to others. 


I'm not sure how I should write the review... I don't want to hurt them, and however I want them to know that others might not be happy with what they had done... 


Any ideas???

4 Replies 4
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

@Huaai0  I admire your sensitivity to the guests, especially new Air BNB travelers.  As the purpose of the review is to help the host community decide whether to host a particular traveler, very clear and honest reviews are needed.  In the case you are describing, you could state something like, "good guest who would be more suited to the private listing rather than a shared space".  You alert a host of a shared space where others might be disturbed by their insensitive actions.  Also, you can send a private message to the guest during the review process advising them of their disturbing behavior.

The problem is yours. There is nothing wrong with taking a shower at 4:30am. When you share a space, you can expect interruptions.  Maybe they had to catch an early flight. 

Level 10
British Columbia, Canada

@Linda108Thank you very much! 

Level 10
British Columbia, Canada

@Linda108 Great! Sounds fair enough. Took your advice and drafted a review.