New Check in Procedure Options

New Check in Procedure Options

All over the internet today - Surprise!


So, I went to the new area of the Community board called, Airbnb Updates.... crickets.   


Anyone know how to access this new feature, the steps to create it, how to troubleshoot it, and if it's rolled out for everyone?  

7 Replies 7
Level 10
Crozet, VA

I wouldn't use this anyway. I use a lock with a code. I don't want guests to have the code 3 days prior to check in. I send it the day of check in - about an hour before the scheduled arrival. 

@Ali40 I tell my guests what the code will be early, but it is new for every guest & I don't program it until their checkin time. 

I change my code for each guest too, but I still don't send it to them until the day of their scheduled check in

Level 10
Austin, TX

@Alice-and-Jeff0 It's funny that these seem to be developed without consultation with hosts and rolled out without notice to hosts



Level 10
Amsterdam, Netherlands


"developed without consultation with hosts and rolled out without notice"


That would be a shocking new development, haha!!

While I still haven't been able to find the information or steps for creating this proceedure, I'm pretty sure you don't have to provide the codes until you want to - the difference is that you can send a pictorial of how to use the locks or alarm panel with step by step instructions for guests.  We provide a private alarm code for each guest and we don't give it to them until they arrive, I wouldn't send it in advance either but I would LOVE to be able to send them step by step instructions on using the panel - it's the most confounding thing for some guests!

Level 2
Chicago, IL

I was notified last week that airbnb had a new check-in procedure with photos and steps. I filled out the form on my mobile app (can't find it on the web app), published it, and my new guest for Friday still hasn't received the new photos and steps. Anyone know more about this, when it will start working for my space, and how to access it on my computer (not just my mobile) so I can edit it?

