Mandy it depends on what has come to you! If you have received an 'enquiry' you will see a green bar which says pre-approve. You must first click that to pre-approve the guests enquiry, and once you have done that, you can go on to say something. You have to pre-approve the booking before you say anything! If you do not wish to pre-approve for one reason or another you can decline, state your reason and that is the end of it. If you pre-approve that opens up a message stream and you have contact with the person who has requested this pre-approval. Mandy, it does not committ you or the guest to anything....all it says, as of that minute your listing is available should the guest wish to stay. Now Mandy prospective guests may seek five or six pre-approvals in your area before making a decision as to which one they will select so don't 'hang your hat on it' after 24 hours if the guest has not booked the pre-approval will lapse and that will be the end of it. Your calendar is not blocked while a pre-approval is in force, you can take a booking from someone else....it's a case of first in gets to 'nibble at the yeast bun'....ok!
Now if you received a booking request this means the guest is not just fishing around, they want to stay and you will see a red accept/decline bar! You have 24 hours to do one or the other. If you accept the request you go to your listing and hit accept tab first.....then you can go onto say how you are yudda, yudda, yudda!
Forget about 'translate' options and all that stuff but remember first you must state your intention, you must accept or decline and once that is done you can chat all you like, but it is no good chatting before you have made your intention clear....Does any of that make sense??