Qual'è il giusto benvenuto e quanto costa farlo?

Level 2
Syracuse, Italy

Qual'è il giusto benvenuto e quanto costa farlo?

Ciao, sto effettuando uno studio nell'ambito dell'home sharing per raccogliere dei dati.
Ho realizzato un breve questionario a risposte multiple, basta cliccare giù...
Ti sarei grato se volessi dedicare qualche minuto alla sua compilazione. Se compilerai il campo email, ti invierò i risultati raccolti alla fine dello studio, potrebbero tornarti utili 😉


compila il form

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

Google translate:

Hi, I'm doing a home-sharing study to collect data.
I made a short multiple-answer questionnaire, just click down ...
I would be grateful if you would like to take a few minutes to complete it. If you fill out the email field, I will send you the results collected at the end of the study, they may be useful for you;)


Hello @Luciano109 ,

As your posting and survey are both in Italian language, i think the community for Italian language community-center-it  is a better place for it?

Best regards, Emiel

Hi Emiel, 

thank you so much for your suggestion... 


but the link you send me, community-center-it , doesn't work... 


could you help me?




Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Luciano109,


Here is the link again, Italian Speaking Community Center.


Also, a handy tip, if you go to the Community Center Homepage, you will see on the righthand side a button to choose to which Community language you would like to go to:

Screen Shot 2018-01-26 at 10.58.13.png







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tnx so much!!!


i appreciate...

