Question regarding co-hosts being charged 3% to co-host

Level 2
Granby, CO

Question regarding co-hosts being charged 3% to co-host

Hello, I have been dealing with Airbnb Support since Jan 9 regarding fees I am being charged to co-host.  I was contacted by two Airbnb hosts to co-host for them.  We set our fees at 20% and 12%; however, when I go into my transaction history I am being charged 3% to co-host.  At first I was told I was not charged a fee to co-host, but when I exported my CSV under my transaction history and sent it to them, they acknowledged I am charged a fee, that I should not be charged a fee, but they cannot seem to remove it.  So the hosts are being charged 3% on the total nightly rate and then I'm charged 3% on my percentage.  


Has anyone had this happen and do you know how to resolve it?  I'm basically making 17% and 9% due to fees being taken out.


In addition, a portion of the cleaning fees is posted in my gross earnings, even though I do not receive any cleaning fees or pay any fees.  So it appears I am making more gross than I am.


After a month of phone calls and countless hours, I thought I would reach out and see if this is happening to others and if you found a resolution.



Thank you for your help and insight.  Dawn

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