Reviews / Star Ratings

Level 2
Opononi, New Zealand

Reviews / Star Ratings

I wondered if AirBnB had considered using a rating other than stars? I feel many guests seem to get confused with 5 star hotel ratings when they are reviewing. I have an older home that I rent out, and I clearly state that it is partly renovated and that the furniture is older, but guests who say they loved the place often still give really low ratings for cleanliness because the furniture has some marks or wear etc. I wondered about a heart rating or thumbs up etc, so as not to be confused with hotels.


Also when your reviewing a guest and the question about if they had discussed any problems with you. How do you answer that when you haven't seen their review and often don't find out about their problem till they put it in the review that you can't see until after you have answered the question.

19 Replies 19

I was wondering about their access to my review. Good to know that I at least have the same situation as guests when reviewing. Again, point well made and taken.

@Tanya110 In my experience most guests that leave a mess /break houserules etc. or somehow got an assumption or know they have done something wrong doesn't review. They might not know how the review system works - maybe thinking that if they don't review the host's review won't show etc. That's why I wait till the very last minute to review because if I review straight ahead they will get a notification mail that I reviewed and will most likely then write a revenge review as they most likely belives a bad review is waiting for them. When I leave it last minute they have very little time to write a review as it is to late after the 14 days review period is over. /apologies for all my grammar screw ups.. Haha it is  a little late 🙂 


Nice, Never thought of that, forsure I’ll be using that method one day. Hopefully not....nevermind, not going to hope for something that is so sure to happen. 

Will keep that in remind when the time comes! Thanks.

Yes...yes....yes. Honest reviews from hosts determine the safety of future hosts! Airbnb doesn't have your back as much as other honest hosts!

Level 2
Montreal, Canada

I think Airbnb’s rating system is supposed to filter the exceptional hosts from the just good enough hosts, but that’s impossible since that would require all guests to be 100% honest and professional when it comes time to review hosts. Exceptional hosts leads to very happy guests. Those guests will book through Airbnb for their next trip which is good for business. But one thing Airbnb must realized is that exceptional hosts have no control on a guest’s honesty or intention, and just one or a few dishonest, always grumpy type guests could turn the best of the best hosts into the less than good category. Losing the exceptional hosts is also bad for business, so Airbnb must take each review and have it review by a human, a judge? Or ask the superhosts to be the jury if there is a case? Imagine how much man power that would take! LOL. But with all those billions, maybe it’s possible.