Reviews by guests from other countries at the bottom of my list...even though they're more recent!

Level 10
Santa Rosa, CA

Reviews by guests from other countries at the bottom of my list...even though they're more recent!

Just something I noticed today. Last week a guest from the UK stayed for 7 days.

The following day a guest from the US stayed. Their stay was 1 day.

The review by the guest from the UK is below the all the other reviews - otherwise they're in reverse date order. I just wonder why? I am assuming it sorts reviews FROM your country then by other countries...but this isn't helpful to future guests, is it? Not to mention they don't tell the guests this so it feels like if a guest from the US had a bad stay, but you had 4 guests from the UK AFTER that one - and they LOVED IT - then this is not truthful or in AirBnB's words: "Accurate."

By the way, this makes me wonder if my rating suffers by AirBnB weighting guest's ratings from other countries to be less than guests from the US. This makes me reticent to approve other guests from outside my country.

Anyone know?


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