Very little info about potential guests

Level 2
Alesund, Norway

Very little info about potential guests

Hi everyone, I’ve been hosting for 3 years and this year, for the first time, I’m getting lots of guests wanting to book with no info on their profile. 

I’m aware of the no picture shown rule, but today I got one where the profile only states the first name (no idea if it’s male og female), joined in 2019 and it says the person has provided a phone number. That is it! 

And this year I’m getting lots of those. Is there a pattern or is it just that alot of new people are joining airbnb?


And any suggestions to what I can write to make them complete all the info in a nice, polite manner?

And why do Airbnb allow so little info to be filled out?

1 Reply 1
Level 2
Abbotsford, Canada

I’m very interested in this question as well. It seams so little info is expected from guests now... yet we have to tell them everything about our homes.  Do we need to remind Airbnb that we are NOT a hotel?  Safety should be first priority and I feel as a host you really should have a right to have a lot more verification as to who these people are. What is to stop people who get a poor review to just open another profile?