what is the difference between decline and dismiss regarding an inquiry?

Level 1
Salt Lake City, UT

what is the difference between decline and dismiss regarding an inquiry?

21 Replies 21
Level 2
Encinitas, CA

Dave's answer was missing the "how-to", and Steven had additional helpful input as well.  Hopefully this fills the gap, I figured it out while clicking around in my own "guest not responding to my inquiry response" issue:


If you've responded to the inquiry, and you want to Dismiss it, then the button is only located in one place - and it is unfortunately (and unhelpfully) not on the page where you can see the conversation with the guest and the other choices.

1) Click on the HOST Button.  This takes you to the Dashboard.  

2) Find the line where the guest in question has sent the inquiry.  Inquiry should be in yellow.

3) Click that line

4) The dismiss button should be among the choices.  Clicking in any other like will take you away from your dismiss button.


Seems there should be an easier way to do this than sending a bunch of hosts to find a button that can only be found on one page in order to dismiss the mulitples of inquiries a bunch of guests can send out.


Sounds like a sticky situation.  You may want to ask the guest what they want to do - withdraw and resend the request to restart the clock, or have to decline based on needing more information.  


Seems like we need a third button that indicates the host or guest is waiting on information without penalty.

permissions and request can be decline or accept  but submissions or suggestions can be dismissed 

hope this is very short can correct view 

so guys will you decline this or dismiss ?

@Praveen3  You can dismiss an Inquiry instead of declining.  Just make sure you have answered (responded) to whatever question the guest has asked before you dismiss. 


I've dismissed many Inquiries when after discussion with the guest it appears that neither of us wants to proceed with a reservation. 


Reservation Requests are a totally different matter. On these you must make a decision to either Accept the booking or Decline. 



Hello all,


I responded to an inquiry.  The inquirer decided on a different location.  I want to "dismiss" as I was told not to do that affects my response rate.

BUT there is no "dismiss" button.  There is only "preapprove, decline and special offer."






@Birgit0 So long as you have responded to the Inquiry, dismissing it will not affect your response rating.  The Dismiss button is tricky to find.  Try looking at your Transaction History and perhaps you will see it there.  It's been so long since I've dismissed an inquiry, I forget where it is.  

In this link you will see what it looks like: 


@Birgit0    Go to your dashboard click messages, click on 'respond' for the message you want to dismiss and at the bottom you will see a 'dismiss from dashboard'.  I don't think it has a negative effect on your response rate if you have already replied to the 'guest inquiry' within the 24 hour time frame.  e.g. I have two guests that Airbnb keeps on reminding me to respond to, the dates are not available for these people because someone else has taken them while they were vacillating.  I hope I am not going to be penalized for that! But who knows if the algorithm notices it!  btw:  I had heard clicking 'pre-approve' (for an inquiry) adds a positive - but no way to verify that.