Let's help our listings!

Level 10
Athens, Greece

Let's help our listings!

Hello to all fellow hosts! 

Since we are just before summer (which is high season for most of us), would you like us to give a boost to our listings? 


As we know, our bookings are quite much affected by how often our places are seen by guests who look for accommodation. 

The position that a listing gets in search results constantly changes and depends on many factors. Some are subjective factors (f.e. who makes the search, for which dates, for which area, with what filters etc.) and some other objective (f.e. "instant booking", quick response, recent bookings, times saved in Wish List etc.) 


I want to stay on the last one (Wish Lists) and suggest you something. 

we can give a good help to our listings through this community. 


Anyone who likes the idea, they can give the link/s of their listing/s in the comments below and the rest of us can add the listing/s in our Wish List. We can even create a private Wish List, if we don't want it to be public in our Airbnb profile. Anyway, our saving will help the other host. 


I make the commitment to save every link that you will write! 

If you need some help with how to do it, just tell me. 


These are my listings:

Diamond Home 1

Diamond Home 2

Diamond Penthouse


Have a nice week! 

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hello @Ira4


This has been suggested a number of times on this forum.


I am not sure how much value there is in doing this.


I would have thought a well written listing, with great photos, fantastic reviews and ratings, in a good location  and price targeted at your market (target audience) is much more likely to drive traffic your way.


Along with Instant Book.

@Helen3 you are right about what all those factors that you mention. However, if "Wish List" might help us a little bit more, why not trying this too, in addition to all the above?