Account is suspended due to "safety review"

Level 2
Pennsylvania, United States

Account is suspended due to "safety review"

My daughter has been suspended from booking a house out of the blue. Her apartment flooded and needed to move into short term rentals until her apartment is repaired. She booked two places and stayed there, then booked a 3rd and it was approved. 12 hours later Airbnb sent an email saying that she was flagged for an additional safety review (party booking). We've been in touch with Airbnb but the suspension has not been lifted. Anyway of getting around this issue?

1 Best Answer
Level 2
Pennsylvania, United States

I wanted to come back and give a final update. Airbnb will not reinstate my daughters account until after the 10 day suspension. Airbnb is firm on their policy.


Thank you for all of your concern and help!

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10 Replies 10
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

 I would suggest your daughter uses another STR platform . Wouldn't she better booking one place for the duration rather than moving around @Keith893 

Level 2
Pennsylvania, United States

Sure that would be the best option at this point since I'm getting no where with Airbnb support.


My daughter was told that she would be back in her apartment in 2 weeks and that estimation kept getting pushed farther and farther. So now we are looking for a 30 day rental.


The unfortunate thing is that she has over $3000 in gift cards on her account that is non transferable. We are locked in to this platform unfortunately.


Kai, a Support Ambassador from Airbnb Escalation Team, reached out to me last night asking for more info. I replied with the info she requested but have not received any response as of yet.


Our frustration with the system is that there is no appeal process to prove that this is not just someone booking a place to have a party for the weekend. She is literally booking it for 30 days. We have proof and are willing to share it to get the account out from under review.

I have a similar issue and resolution looks to be impossible.  My guests want to extend their stay after their first month with me. 


AirBnB refuses to let them extend because of partying!  They have been lovely guests, very deferential and honorable.  What partying? 


After hours on the phone with tech support I was advised to ask for a resolution for funds which I did-no result.


Eventually I got my case escalted and received a text from someone asking if I had yet filed a police report!!!  So escalated suppport was not accurately tracking my many phone calls asking them to allow me to extend the stay.  Now the guests are still here (without being able to pay me). 



Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Why haven't you taken payment directly rather than let guests stay without payment @Ann43748 

My understanding is that if I did, I would violate my agreement with Air B N B?

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Ann43748 You cannot extend the stay for cash and be in compliance with Airbnb terms. BUT you can start a new stay for the guests and be paid in cash outside of Airbnb. Think of it like an airline - Just because you fly with them once they are not allowed (by law) to force you to keep flying with them.

Just be wary of creating a tenancy which is equally likely extending with Airbnb as it is with starting a new stay with you.

Level 2
Pennsylvania, United States

Wow, that is crazy. It's really unfortunate that Airbnb has put these checks into place without adequate support to deal with inaccuracies. I hope your situation is resolved quickly!

I have a home in philly, and would love to help, but I don't know how I could outside of the platform. Any updates from airbnb or the situation?

Level 2
Pennsylvania, United States

Kai reached out to my daughter but with no resolution yet. My daughter needs to book a place today so she has a place to stay tomorrow.


We understand the policy that Airbnb has in place about booking a place within your local area on short notice. I wish there was a way to challenge that policy for those that are not at fault. All of the hosts have been great and flexible and my daughter has been a great guest. It's the Airbnb support system that I feel has failed us.


We feel defeated and losing $3000 makes it worse. Our daughter doesn't use Airbnb that much so I don't know when she will be able to use that amount of money.


I appreciate the offer of your home in Philly. Unfortunately that is outside of the area in which we are looking.

Level 2
Pennsylvania, United States

I wanted to come back and give a final update. Airbnb will not reinstate my daughters account until after the 10 day suspension. Airbnb is firm on their policy.


Thank you for all of your concern and help!