Cleaning fee question - Udlejning eksl rengøring

Level 1
Borris, Denmark

Cleaning fee question - Udlejning eksl rengøring


Jeg har fornyeligt oprettet vores sommerhus til udlejning. Nu har jeg sat huset til en pris plus rengøringsomkostninger. Kommer denne omkostning automatisk på ved folks bookinger og hvordan kan man få den deaktiveret, hvis folk ønsker at rengøre selv? Er der nogen der kan hjælpe med dette? 

Mvh Lea 





I have recently set up our holiday home for rent. Now I have put the house at a price plus cleaning costs. Does this cost automatically apply to people's bookings and how can it be disabled if people want to clean themselves? Can anyone help with this?


Google translation added by OCM

1 Reply 1
Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @Lea3337,


Thank you for posting in the Airbnb Community Center!


I’m reaching out to one of our wonderful hosts in Denmark, @Sandra856, to see if she can share some suggestions with you.


Best regards,



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