Guest Damage

Level 2
Garfield, MN

Guest Damage

I have filed two claims, submitted  an estimate and pictures and have been denied twice with no explanation.  Numerous calls to your call center number have been unproductive.  I am told I can not personally contact anyone, they will email me.  I have not received an email or a phone call.


How can they deny a claim without personally talking to me?

5 Replies 5
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Julie-K-0 sadly because the terms of their offering basically allow them to pay out (or not) on a whim. Where I do think Airbnb is in the wrong is in the way they advertise their coverage as if it is better than the reality.

So I’m out $18,000 after paying 4 years of fees?

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Sorry to hear of your issues.


It's hard to comment as you haven't said what actually happened or why you think the claimed was denied. Normally they will give you a reason when writing to deny the claim @Julie-K-0 


Personally for large claims like yours I wouldn't have tried to use the Airbnb Cover but claimed on my own home insurance for STR.


If you fully complied with how Airbnb asked you to submit information and your claim is for an area covered under their Cover, you can ask for independent arbitration and pay a fee which you will get back if you are successful or put in a claim with your STR insurance.

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Julie-K-0 Yep - I recommend all guests take out insurance rather than rely on Airbnb. As a minimum guests should read the Ts&Cs but sadly most don't.

I assume the guest refused to pay?

Correct, they denied responsibility.  

I do have insurance but I also have a deductible and this will affect my rates.