Hello - 16+ attempts with the customer service team, let’s t...
Hello - 16+ attempts with the customer service team, let’s try this community board instead. Summary - I own a house listed...
Hello . I would like to know the hosts' opinions and tips. My first guest. Upon departure, I was not able to come to receive the apartment and the key from him due to circumstances that made it difficult for me to attend. But I agreed with him to leave the key inside the apartment, lock the apartment, and leave. When I returned to the apartment, I found many things belonging to the guest, such as shampoo, creams, personal items, and many clothes. When I contacted him to talk about these matters, he told me to throw them away, and he blocked me on WhatsApp. Is it Mona fault for communicating with the guest after leaves the apartment? Should I get rid of everything that's left without returning to the guest?
[Title and content updated by OCM for relevancy]
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بعد أن تواصلت مع الضيف أخبرني اتخلص من كل الاشياء في
الاشياء مثل الشامبو بالفعل تخلصت منها في المخلفات
الملابس أعطتها الي عامل النظافة يستفيد منها
After I contacted the guest, he told me to get rid of all the things in
Stuff like shampoo is already trashed
She gave the clothes to the cleaner so he could benefit from them
Google translation added by OCM
I've noted that when guests are flying out, they tend to leave such non-essential items behind. Toss or donate these things, and not to worry. I don't think it a negative to communicate with a guest after departure when they've left things. I think it is a good thing to do. For your own protection, I'd keep all communication on the Airbnb message thread and avoid using apps with guests.
Hello, If it is possible to contact them within minutes of their departure , I would do so. They may turn around and comeback for their items! They may ask you to return them by mail, if it isn't much? I do so.
Happy hosting!
شكرا لمشاركتك ومعلوماتك المفيدة
@Delia6 Thank you for your sharing and useful information
[Translation added by Community Manager]
شكرا لمشاركتك ومعلوماتك
@Kitty-and-Creek0 Thanks for your sharing and information
[Translation added by Community Manager]
Hello @عماد-شعبان0 ,
What you did was the most responsible thing to do since he left personal items. For disposable items like a half bottle of their own shampoo or a loaf of bread left in the kitchen, I don't bother guests. When I find something valuable (usually phone chargers and clothes), I contact the guest as soon as I find out and ask them what they want me to do with it: throw it away, keep it for them to pick up, or send it to them by post. This is why I try to run a quick check in the house just after they leave, before the cleaner arrives. I think it is a kind gesture, and I am for kind hosting in general.
شكرا لمشاركتك ومعلوماتك المفيده
@Guy991 Thank you for your sharing and useful information
[Translation added by Community Manager]
I would always message the guest in the Airbnb app or platform and let them know they left some items; it’s being a good host. Sometimes they respond and other times they say thanks for letting me know, you can toss it.
If they left food, or small toiletries I wouldn’t bother though. They likely meant to do that. What I have had guests leave behind: socks in the dryer, food, small toys, a book, vaping pen (we don’t allow vaping or smoking in our unit though), a towel, shampoo (large sizes and small travel sizes), some clothes.
شكرا لك
معلومات قيمه
@Lorina14 Thank you for valuable information
[Translation added by Community Manager]
@عماد-شعبان0 We contact the guest and send a list or pictures of the items left behind. We then box the items with the name of the guest and will hold them for 30 days. If the guest asks for the items, they are mailed to the guest. If the guest does not respond, we will throw away or donate the items after the 30 days have passed.
شكرا على مشاركتك
معلومات قيمه
@Lorna170 Thanks for your participation
valuable information
[Translation added by Community Manager]
We typically allow our guests to leave keys, lock door vs meeting 4 checkout.. within 20 minutes our cleaning staff arrives vs. meeting guest for checkout..
they take photos of anything left behind, so we can document
unless it’s undies, or liquids, we message guest via airbnb re: items left behind, and ask if they want shipped…
Guests leave odd things, and we recently shipped a street brick to a guest ( historic location)…guests always pay for shipping* reimbursement of shipping via the app.
Hey there @عماد-شعبان0 👋
I'd love to know what you decided to do with the left over items? Please update us! 😊
بعد أن تواصلت مع الضيف أخبرني اتخلص من كل الاشياء في
الاشياء مثل الشامبو بالفعل تخلصت منها في المخلفات
الملابس أعطتها الي عامل النظافة يستفيد منها
After I contacted the guest, he told me to get rid of all the things in
Stuff like shampoo is already trashed
She gave the clothes to the cleaner so he could benefit from them
Google translation added by OCM