New host just had a medical emergency - what to do with upcoming guest

Level 1
Camden, ME

New host just had a medical emergency - what to do with upcoming guest

Hi, I had a medical emergency yesterday and ended up in the hospital. I’m home now but concerned about my first guest arriving on Monday. I think I will be able to host him but want to manage expectations of my ability to be a hostess with the mostest. Any guidance? 

1 Best Answer
Top Contributor
Willits, CA


So glad you are home and the emergency is over.

Not to worry - just do your best, be your gracious self. This guest - and every guest - will have different expectations for their visit. There will be many who will expect to be left entirely alone. Most hosting does not involve "heavy lifting". Whatever you can easily offer your guest, with a sincere welcome, will undoubtedly be enough. Please don't stress yourself or worry - conserve that energy. Enjoy this experience, and every one to come! I'm looking forward to hearing back from you soon, and please stay well and rested.

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4 Replies 4
Top Contributor
Willits, CA


So glad you are home and the emergency is over.

Not to worry - just do your best, be your gracious self. This guest - and every guest - will have different expectations for their visit. There will be many who will expect to be left entirely alone. Most hosting does not involve "heavy lifting". Whatever you can easily offer your guest, with a sincere welcome, will undoubtedly be enough. Please don't stress yourself or worry - conserve that energy. Enjoy this experience, and every one to come! I'm looking forward to hearing back from you soon, and please stay well and rested.

@Kitty-and-Creek0 Thank you for your thoughtful and reassuring response. It makes me feel less anxious and panicked about my first guest. It will take me a little while to recover so I won’t be as hands on as I would like for my guests. I will let you know how it goes and I really appreciate your support!!!

Level 10
Wilmington, NC

I would give your guest a heads up that you had a medical emergency that landed you in the hospital and although you're home now, you're not at 100%. As @Kitty-and-Creek0 said, most hosting doesn't require much interaction or heavy lifting. There are many guests in my home I never even see!


The guest will appreciate the heads up and I'm sure anyone would be gracious after being told that and not expect the world from you!

Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @Sandra6839,


We're glad to hear you're back home and wish you a speedy recovery 🙏! How is everything going with the guest?


Please keep us updated.



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