No African representation

Level 10
Johannesburg, South Africa

No African representation

Dear @Catherine-Powell 


I hope this message finds you well. 


I recently got an email from Airbnb about the host advisory board and I must say I am shocked that the continent of Africa is not in anyway represented! How is this possible?


I personally believe this is very very wrong. Africa is very much a part of Airbnb, as the rest of the continents, and not being represented on the board sends the wrong message.


Would you kindly look into this and address this oversight?


Thank you and kind regards, 



@Lizzie @Anonymous @Brian @Anonymous 

27 Replies 27

@Robin4 I have a feeling the person organizing those meetings is not reading your post. They should

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

There are 5 hosts from one country ie US and none from two whole continents - that hardly seems fair does it @Inna22 @Catherine-Powell 


I didn't say we had to have multiple host types from EACH country but at least one rep from each continent would seem more equitable.


Obviously you can cover more than one type I.e a black host from the US, a gay host from the UK, a a disabled, home share host from India etc

Level 10
Placencia, Belize

I been in enough of these board to know how frustrating they can quickly become, with everyone inherently promoting their personal agenda. 


Just a few will do, who are naturally bright and conceptual in thought. They will prove more valuable then yet another show of democracy by sheer numbers or simply gathered to reinforce the existing mental limitation of the leader; both instances are promotional moves and certainly not a genuine pursuit to achieve  excellence. 

Level 3
Bristol, PA

Since Catherine Powell became "Head of Hosting", things have simply continued to get worse.   It is pretty clear that Air's direction is set way above her paygrade.  I doubt she has any authority to create policy. 

Now that the IPO is complete, it will get worse still.   Time to start direct marketing, before they "EC" you out of a big booking or any other number of capricious Guest-Centric behaviors. 

Level 10
Munnsville, NY

@Kemi6 ,  Really, they left the Black folks from Africa out of the decision group, that's a new one right??????  More like a Bozo No No of epic proportions, what were they thinking (obviously they werent thinking)?   I think its time to note the Elephant in the room (the one that crushes our Grapenuts if they get an unsubstantiated review that implies we as a host have discriminated against someone (Like if we don't permit them to bring their Emotional Comfort Rooster into our pet free spaces).  Airbnb gets 3 Stars *** for their inclusion and diversity, they should lose their Superhost status  for the next year and stop acting like they are the benchmark for either of those very important sociologically significant goals. 


Don't feel alone, as @Helen3 mentioned, they left the crippled and disabled out of the club as well.  Also, I can pretty much say without a doubt, hosts in Valdor Canada, Provo Utah, Junction City Kansas and East Podunk Munnsville New York (Yours trulies @ Bearpath Lodging) really dont think we share the same regional challenges with 3 Superhosts Hosts in California (no disrespect to those fine folks whatsoever, they just cant know ...)


The zero representation of Africa is a glaring gap in the global Airbnb Family weave but the underrepresentation of every continents various cultures and lifestyles is nearly as disheartening.   Its not necessarily the deathblow to  the new org but it needs to recognize from the outset that they really are not representatives of their nations nor continent on this panel by any means.  That also required them to limit the scope of influence to areas that their education and life experiences and Inn Keeper background can be considered professionally relevant.   Areas like discrimination, disability and continental legalese cant be addressed by this limited Venn diagram of participants (to be honest, a real representative  group for the worlds continents and regions would be in the hundreds not a few handfuls.  


They could still be very effective at helping to fix and tweak the web presence form and function, the Customer service systems, THE ***** STAR SYSTEM and THE STAR SYSTEM, (did I mention the STAR SYSTEM?).   If they work on issues that affect us as the community not by the continent we could all see the things that effect us all get better.  If they set their sights too high, it will be a waste of time and resources, something Small Business Lodging providers have less of every day.   I will hope for the best to come out of the new board but depend on those community members here and our CC Elfs to help me navigate the rocky shoals and sand bars of hosting.   I still believe this is the greatest resource Airbnb has for fixing the problems not the blame.  Stay well and keep the faith  Kemi!!!  Stay well, JR

@Melodie-And-John0 who does the Tasmanian host represents? It is a peaceful island with small population, minimal regulation, perfect weather and a stable democratic government. 

Level 10
Placencia, Belize

Honestly I do not understand why Airbnb should not instead conduct a survey of the massive existing pool of its hosts (600,000) and that approach would prove more helpful, after all they are the true liaison between the guest and Airbnb. At the same stroke all hosts would feel they have had a say, the ultimate exercise of inclusivity. And would eliminate any and all politics.


A theoretical 'think tank' of a few participants as they have decided to do, will prove in all likelihood short on vision and subject to whimsical interpretation. 

Hi @Kemi6,

Thank you for your message, and for your feedback here. My apologies for the delay.

You're right that at this time we do not have any board members who are based in Africa, but as I have mentioned to other members, this is something that we would love to change and we are working on it.

I hope you will continue coming to the Community Center and sharing your feedback. The board is already thinking about how to elect the next set of members when the time comes, and I hope you'll be keen to get involved.


Top Contributor
Gros Islet, Saint Lucia


@Catherine-Powell's message rings of, "Oh, you noticed that, huh?  Well, shush and go sit in the corner, and hopefully people will forget what you said.".  It's been over a month, and the best comment she could provide is practically equivalent to the non-response that was done before today.  The US has the most members, and does have a good variety.  However, we will not see a more inclusive representation of different hosts globally unless Airbnb stops only picking folks that looks like their senior management team, or selecting tokens to reflect diversity (I guess the one black guy is supposed to fill the slot for all people of African heritage and the diaspora) .  There are no non-white people representing any European countries, Canada, Australia or New Zealand, and I know that people of every hue live in these places.  As @Helen3 mentioned, there also wasn't anyone selected who is obviously differently abled.


I wouldn't mind sitting at the table with the current advisory team, because I am sure they have a wealth of knowledge and experiences to share.  I just would like to see a table that consists of folks that aren't what has been the stereotype of what a national should look like, and had of course represent every continent where Airbnb does business.

Don't just believe what I say, check the Airbnb Help Center
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Why not invite @Kemi6  then @Catherine-Powell .... problem solved 😁

Level 10
Johannesburg, South Africa

Hello @Catherine-Powell,


Thank you for taking the time to respond. 


I am glad to hear that you are considering this for the FUTURE. I suppose that should be 'good enough' .😐


I am still very much a part of this community and by God's grace I intend to keep being a part of it. 


Thank you for your  invitation. It has come a little too late. I am actually occupied now with making a difference on my beautiful continent of Africa. I therefore thankfully decline.


Thanks again and kind regards, 


Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Debra300 Well said. 

As far as I have seen, @Catherine-Powell's responses to the community on myriad subjects, including this one, is just more of the same that hosts are thoroughly sick of and no longer fall for. No actual changes, just placating, patronizing words about "hearing" us, and assurances that the powers that be are "thinking" about these things and "working" on changes. We have experienced this empty rhetoric for years.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

It's also sad to see those who are meant to represent us are not active on our community forum. @Catherine-Powell 


surely them doing so would be a good way for them to have their finger on the pulse of issues affecting the hosts they are meant to represent .