Unfair Suspension Without Any Reason given

Unfair Suspension Without Any Reason given

I recently had my listing suspended and I have no idea why.   I open customer support chats but the threads are always "escalated to the right person" and then no one ever responds.  My family surives on this income.   I have 100+ mostly 5 star reviews, and did not have any incident or anything.


Please if anyone here can help connect me where I can at least find out why my listing is suspended, or if there is anything I can do to communicate to appeal, to provide evidence.


I'm begging at this point. 

4 Replies 4
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Forty2 Have you changed host at some point? It appears from your reviews you used to have a different name hosting the listing.

This is disturbing as we have an issue being that we have had no payment for over one month and like @Forty2 we rely on this money for mortgage payments.

I'm sorry you're going through this as well.   Good hosts should be given the respect and opportunity to understand how they can remedy the situation. 

Yes, I adopted the name from an LLC my family use to manage our listing.  We checked and called into Airbnb to confirm this would be ok and not a violation of terms and conditions and we were assured it would be fine.   We also did this almost a year ago.  


It would be wonderful to know it was something as simple as that.  The hardest part is just not hearing from Airbnb and not being given any idea or reason, or chance to provide any documentation or rectify any situation.