Airbnb have stopped my payouts

Level 2
Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Airbnb have stopped my payouts

Airbnb stopped paying me about 6 weeks ago for no reason even though my property has been booked continuously.


I have contacted them several times, and almost daily for the last couple of week. They just keep telling me my case has been escalated but nothing is getting done. I was told I would be contacted by the finance dept and this hasn't happened. I'm getting really desperate now as I am owed several thousand pounds. Nobody in Airbnb is showing any interest in resolving my case.


Has anyone else had this happen to them? Any advice would be appreciated.

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



Airbnb CS can not solve payout issues, they just route the issue to the Financial Department. Which can not be contacted directly and is extremly slow in responsding (also my own experience). So you have to wait....

Level 10
Savannah, GA

@Marie1009 It’s really a big deal that this is taking so long for you to collect what they owe you. It has happened to lots of other people too over the years. You may search on here and find lots of examples. I believe that publicly complaining on social media gets people faster resolution. You may wish to tweet about it and see if that causes a sudden fix. I think Twitter has the biggest impact and they will want to put out the fire so it doesn’t scare off future potential hosts etc