Garbage Service in Fort Lauderdale?

Level 2
Los Angeles, CA

Garbage Service in Fort Lauderdale?

Hi there!  I have a rental in fort lauderadale, and I've heard of services that pull the garbage from the property to the curb and then back to the property.  They also skim the pool and refill propane tanks.   Has anyone heard of this service in South Florida?

2 Replies 2
Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @Allan422 


I am reaching out to hosts in our community who are located in your area to see if they have any suggestions: @Ruben484 @Danielle-And-Erik0 @Idalmis4 @Jerry500 @Emilio138 @Anthony48 


Good luck,



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Hi Allan, are now hosting in Helen, GA instead of Fort Lauderdale so not quite sure about this service. However, there are some extremely helpful FB Short term rentals groups with tons of advice. Maybe you could check there?