Getting Around, Neighborhood, Things to Know sections

Getting Around, Neighborhood, Things to Know sections

Where did the "Getting Around" and "Neighborhood" sections go from my listing description? We'd like to add them back to create a "robust" listing so who do I need to go to for copies of what I once laboriously wrote to be clear and insightful?  What is this new "things guests should know" section? Please feel free to point me to the correct Help Center articles or Host newsletter that discusses this as I am having no luck in finding them myself.

4 Replies 4

Ah, wait, I've found the two old sections buried under a link called "Location" which is underneath the map section but don't see where that can be edited.  Still don't know what the other section since I checked all the boxes and filled in all the details but see almost none of that displayed anywhere, so all insights welcome. 

Level 10
Florence, Canada

Neighbourhood and Getting Around are in the Title and Description section of Listing Details, @Alice-and-Jeff0 . They can be edited there. 

Things to Know are edited in House Rules in Booking Settings. 

This is the section I am referring . I was able to edit this, add text to sections, but it does not seem to appear anywhere within the listingabb snip.png

Read the absolutely nasty post you wrote about sick patients and the airbnb medical stays program. Sure valid points, but my gosh you are **!

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