How to Pass the hosting baton

How to Pass the hosting baton

Hi host family, I've had a few too many bad experiences with guests, and I'd like to turn over my listing for another host to take over. I'm sorry, but I think Airbnb does not protect the host, and dealing with their support staff is an insanity loop that sucks hours and hours daily during and after a reservation stay. Does anyone have any experience with this? I want to pass the baton to whomever the property owner hires, but do not want those listing reviews to appear on my profile or affect my rating, in the event I host other listings. I am the listing owner. Any tips and recommendations are welcome. Thanks everyone!

2 Replies 2
Level 10
England, United Kingdom

@Pat7985 technically you cannot pass the listing on. The owner will have to set up the listing from scratch I am afraid.

Level 10
Lincoln, Canada

@Pat7985 there is no way to pass on the listing directly. The new owner/host will need to set up a new listing for the property and start from scratch. If you have guests who are scheduled to arrive after the property transfer of ownership, you will need to cancel the reservations. You can advise the guests that they can rebook with the new host, if they're interested in that.