Wrong phone number on account

Level 1
Charleston, SC

Wrong phone number on account

Somewhere on my account there is an old contact phone number. I can't find it anywhere...guests will call/text this number for check in info and its frustrating because it is not a number we use any more. I have searched my listings and can't find the number anywhere...I even had a friend make a reservation at one of my listings so we could see what confirmed guests see and still couldn't find it. My correct number is listed in my profile. Any ideas?

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


maybe it is in an automated welcome message ?

i do not use the app, but heard there is such option ?


Best regards,


Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

Is it listed correctly on your listing where you have the host contact information on the booking confirmation @Allie50