Hurricane housing question

Level 1
Melbourne Beach, FL

Hurricane housing question

I am  not a host on Airbnb. I have a guest bedroom.

If the hurricane makes housing hard to find, I would definitely rent my guest room out at the going rate.

I would just vacuum and change the sheets. Voila.


Does Airbnb have any sign up sheet for that?

For people who have a guest room and would jump in and be a landlord for people fleeing the hurricane?



1 Reply 1
Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Terneuzen, Netherlands

Hi @Thomas338 ! 


It's amazing to see you want to help out. Airbnb has created to work together with the community to offer those in need a place to stay. You can sign up there to create a listing, or register it if you already have one.


I hope that helps and thank you for helping out!



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