How to submit a bug report related to the new version of airbnb

Level 3
Tucson, AZ

How to submit a bug report related to the new version of airbnb

Hi  I tried to reply to the question but the reply button was greyed out.


Yes, I think this bug may relate to the new version of software, but since I don't work in QA at airbnb I cannot be certain.


I would like to report a bug related to listing search.

the price_max filter suppresses some results, IE  does not display some listing results which are significantly under the "maximum price" (price_max) searched.


How do I report a bug with the application. It onshows up in  certain circumstances.


I have videos that display the bug's behavior and three detailed CS help calls on this, and the CS people seem lacking in following the logic. 

I think that investigating this goes beyond front-line CS ability and time constraints. How do I submit a bug to a tech team?


4 Replies 4
Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Shanna5 ! Thanks for sharing that you're facing some concerns related to the search filter. Would you mind sharing a screen recording through a shareable google drive link or some screenshots elaborating the issue, so that I can pass it forward to the tech team for advice?



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Ok, I did send a video link to a shareable google drive file to the twitter team. but I will send it today later.  I have two

@Bhumika do you want this as a direct message??

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Shanna5 , absolutely, if you could share it with me as well, that would be really great for me to share with the concerned team🌻. Thank you!



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