Listing suspended, activated and removed

Listing suspended, activated and removed

Hello, I need some help with my listing. I don’t understand what is going on. I had my listing suspended for like 10 days and I finally got the email saying that after reviewing your account your listing is reinstated and active. I was so happy and went to sleep that night with waking up to another email saying we have removed your listing and the only thing to do was appeal. They dont say the reason or any information why from the suspension to the removal. I keep calling and they keep telling me someone will contact you 😓

2 Replies 2

Hi @Marino85 on your Airbnb app, do you see any banner that you can click to appeal? Because normally, there is an option for Hosts to appeal and provide documentation that Airbnb team will require you to submit. If your listing has indeed been removed and you need to appeal, gather all relevant information and documentation that supports your case. This could include details of your interactions with guests, safety measures in place, and compliance with Airbnb's hosting policies. Hope this helps! 

Hello @Marino85 yes I did that and the listing is active now with no explanation 

not sure what they are doing these days but this is not good for us as hosts neither guests 

i lost 15 reservations and the guests told me they are starting to not believe on airbnb as much anymore because they are so unpredictable. To me after all this they never gave me a reason why or any information