My homes

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Bellevue, WA



Could you post the listings so it is easier for hosts to view and critique? How many bookings have you gotten a month and how has it dropped?


You have seven listings - are there 2-3 that you would like us to focus on (ones with lower bookings or lower ratings)? Your pictures are beautiful but there are no captions for the pictures.


For the description of where you’ll stay, you need to have more paragraphs and not just one long paragraph (it’s hard to read).


It would be helpful if you bullet the following (with distance from your airbnb, as well as walking or driving time to the location would be helpful):

-local attractions


-golf courses

-shopping mall

-local restaurants


-nearby parks


Is garage parking available? Electric charging available? I would imagine the guests you are targeting would have Teslas or Rivians and would appreciate a level 2 charger at the location. 


Did you check the feature about comparing similar listing under your calendar feature? On the app, click calendar, choose some dates that you are not booked then scroll to the bottom and see the properties feature that are similar to your listings, look at their pictures, their write ups, their pricing, what type of discounts they offer, you can also almost book to see what their cleaning fees are and what their discounts are for weekly or monthly stays.


Check to see if their calendar is full or similar to your bookings for the time. It may be a low season…many have said things dropped off much lower than in the past years they have hosted.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

@Lorina14 Great suggestion to add them to the listing so I've done that @North-Bay0 , I hope you don't mind.


As Lorina, has suggested was there anything particular on the properties you'd like some advice on? 😊



Please follow the Community Guidelines

Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

Have you analysed why are you getting low ratings for a number of your listings and what you can do to address the issues guests are raising @North-Bay0 ?