Offering my co hosting services Atlanta

Level 2
Atlanta, GA

Offering my co hosting services Atlanta

Hi new and fellow airbnb hosts. Im

offering my services to host your airbnb properties. I’m a seasoned Airbnb host myself 10 years, also a licensed realtor in Atlanta, with managing multiple rental properties. I enjoy managing airbnbs, I have 5 stars, communication, and cleaning over 700 plus reviews.


My rate is 20%, this includes responding to all guest inquiries, and writing reviews. Making a claims via airbnb. Scheduling cleaners and maintenance. Replenishing supplies every  60 days.


I can also manage properties outside of Atlanta, anywhere in US with same time zone

1 Reply 1
Level 10
England, United Kingdom

@Missy0 So Airbnb take approx 20%, you take 20% (although you don't say what your 20% applies to), and then cleaning/maintenance/supplies will probably come to another 20%. I don't see your hosts making much money if they only end up with 40% of the price a guest pays..........